11.42am 13th apri 2009
perfect little blissful day, filled with full power hecticness.
i think i lost a couple of kgs in my running arounds today.
the sun is beginning to get ready for bed…it’s full strength piercing rays is making me see little circles
the sky is changing into it’s pale lilac hue
i’m not very poetic
but i do love this time of day, 5.30pm. most people like sunset. i feel most peaceful at that pre moment, before it changes into orange.
one of the reasons for my contentment is that little mr. cat has found a lovely little home.
there are many people i need to thank, who fully participated in his recovery and in this most urgent home hunting expedition.
as you all have noticed, i don’t tend to use names, i guess i’m going to stick to that.
i give big hug and oodles of love to a sis-bro duo that took him in on his worst day, an artist comrade, who opened up her home to let little mr. cat heal. to her beautiful visitor, who loved, cared and nursed him back to health, without whome, i would have been helpless and probably would have had many breakdowns in this past week.
the one whose going to become his mama! you’ll always be special.
and then there’s my full salute to two wonderful women, who gave brilliant energy and offered all the help i may have needed in the days to come.
peace, love, happiness and full blown excitement to all you wonderful people.
why is your text centered?
that was some impressive cat promotion by the way. my mother was asking her friends as well.
i never really thought about it. i always seem to centre it or right align it. i should actually try and figure out why i do that. but then again i never do know why i do most things. should i talk to somene who can analyze m?. should be fun.
i never thought i was good at promoting…terrible at self-promotion. but, glad i could manage to break through!
whose butt is this ?
i’m not telling!