some time some day 2009 or 2010
i don’t actually remember when i shot this or on which wall i stuck these ramblings.
i do remember that i had written this in my sketchbook a decade ago. i probably copied it from there. rather sad that i’m still fixated on the same ramblings.
still pissed off at my state of limbo. it’s spreading to most aspects of my life right now.
can’t even be bothered with uploading pics everyday. even though most of them are all sorted, cleaned up, cropped, dated…it shows how bored i’ve been.
still living out of boxes at my mum’s.
struggling with the need to finish three body casts.
struggling with the need to just be.
no space to make. no space to think. no space to make a mess.
grumble grumble moan moan.
mum asked me last night – don’t artists do their best works when in depression?
i don’t know about that.
i know that i thrive in my own misery, or so i’ve been told. love the dramatic. what would i do if life was simple? probably find ways to complicate it in my own little head.
I’m struggling with space at the moment. Mostly time. There is no time. and when i have time i waste it.
If only I was stephen hawking.
logging in after over a week. no internet connection in new home. yes!!! moved in…into one room. sharing the house with 8painters, 3carpenters, 2polishers, 3electricians, today the gas line guys…but, got a foot in and that is DEFINATE PROGRESS. and i can smile and say – home is looking beautiful…fully content with the way she’s maturing.
unfortnately though, still moaning about the same things as my ramblings above…albeit with a broad smile and simple contentment. the only change – no living at mum’s anymore. every other aspect is the same. would that change, if i could be stephen hawking?
i empathise with you…there is never enough time and yes, wasting it is somehow a regular habit.
Hey… pl don’t be bored- love your blog and congrats on moving in_ see you tomorrow….
a blog admirer !
post some photos of the new place